Moon – First quarter
The First Quarter Moon is the ideal time to view or photograph the craters and “seas” of the Moon. The so-called terminator, the line that separates the illuminated portion from the shadowed portion, receives the light of the Sun at a low angle. It is sunrise for someone who would be there. The shadows are long and the relief is accentuated.
This terminator moves from west to east from hour to hour and from day to day, gradually revealing the striking relief of the regions further east as the Moon is moving along its orbit around the Earth. Observing or photographing the Moon regularly is an exciting activity with continual discoveries.
Technical details:
Telescope: Celestron Edge HD14 with 0,7x focal reducer (focal length: 2800 mm)
Camera: ZWO ASI 1600 MM
Exposure: 2 video captures, one for the south portion and one for the north portion, assembled as a mosaic.
Processing with AutoStakkert and Photoshop
Date: April 21, 2018
Location: Backyard observatory in Sainte-Sophie, Qc