Quasars at the edge of the universe
Well, the universe does not have “edges” per se but its immensity is difficult to grasp. Quasars are enigmatic objects with the highest luminous power in the universe. As such, they are also the most distant objects that can be detected. Briefly, a quasar (quasi-stellar-object) is a compact region surrounding a supermassive black hole at the center of a massive galaxy.
The photo I took here with my 14-inch telescope reveals quasars at an incredible distance of over 10 billion light-years while the “edge” of the observable Universe is 13.7 billion light-years away.
Technical details:
Telescope: Celestron Edge HD14 with a 0,7x focal reducer
Mount: Paramount MX+
Camera: ZWO ASI 1600MM in bin 4×4 mode
Filters ZWO LRGB
Exposures: 36 x 4 minutes in luminance and 30 x 4 minutes in Red, Green, and Blue
Location: Backyard observatory in Ste-Sophie, Quebec
Date: March 18, 2018