M 64 – Black Eye Galaxy

M 64 – The Black Eye Galaxy Description: The Black Eye galaxy presents a rather unusual aspect, a consequence of its particular structure. It has an annular structure with two counter-rotating discs of equal mass made of tightly wound spiral arms. It is one of...

M 81 – Bode’s Galaxy

M 81 – Bode’s Galaxy Description: M 81 is a galaxy often photographed as a duo because it appears in the same field as M 82 (the Cigar galaxy) with smaller telescopes. It is relatively close to us at a distance of 12 million light years. It is also modest...

M 82 – The Cigar Galaxy

M 82 – The Cigar Galaxy Description: M 82 is a spiral galaxy with an impressive bipolar jet that serves as a real study laboratory for scientists. It is 5 times more luminous than our Milky Way and its proximity to the galaxy M81 creates a gravitational...

M 94 – Spiral Galaxy

M 94 – Spiral galaxy Description: The spiral galaxy Messier 94 is located in the constellation Canes Venatici (Hunting Dogs) about 14 million light years from us. Among its peculiarities, we note a star formation disc around the nucleus. Also seen there (visible...

M 96 – Spiral galaxy

M 96 – Spiral galaxy Description: The spiral galaxy Messier 96 is located in the constellation Leo about 41 million light years from us. It is almost the same size as our Milky Way. M96 is a very asymmetric galaxy with regions of dust and gas distributed very...