Twin quasar and gravitational lensing Description: A short distance from the galaxy NGC 3079 in this photo, we can see two quasars that are a huge distance away from us. Two quasars? No. They are one and the same quasar that is 7.8 billion light-years away (redshift...
Geminid meteors Description: Most people have heard of the Perseids, the shooting stars that we see in the summer, mainly around August 11-12. But there is another meteor shower that is almost more impressive than the Perseids because they are slower and often...
The Perséid meteors from 2018 Description: Meteors (or shooting stars) are small pieces of dust generally left by the passage of a comet which gradually disintegrates with each passage close to the Sun. The Earth in its movement along its orbit crosses the same piles...