Moon- Tycho and its rays

Crater Tycho and its rays Description: Tycho is a modestly sized impact crater that resembles the “navel” of the Moon. It is relatively recent (estimated at 107 million years) which explains why its ejecta are visible above other older craters. These ejecta form a...

Moon – Taruntius

Taruntius crater Description: Taruntius is a 56 km diameter crater with a central mountain. It has an unusual concentric inner rim and a low central peak complex. It is located on the edge of the Sea of Fertility and the best time to observe it is four days after the...

Moon – Wargentin crater

Wargentin crater Description: Wargentin is a very interesting raised circular formation. It is a 85 km impact crater which has been filled to its rim by a basaltic lava flow, forming a raised plateau. It is located on the limb in the southwest quadrant and the best...

Moon – Mons Rumker

Mons Rumker lunar domes Description: Mons Rumker is a complex of agglomerated lunar domes forming a tormented circular plateau with rather steep slopes. It is 70 km in diameter. It is located near the lunar limb in the Northwest quadrant and requires a fairly powerful...

Moon – Mare Imbrium

Mare Imbrium (“Sea of rains”) Description: Mare Imbrium is the second largest lunar sea. It is 1,250 km in diameter and is bounded by several mountain ranges: Montes Carpatus, Montes Apeninus, Montes Caucasus, Montes Alpes, Montes Spitzbergen, Montes Jura....