M 8 – The Lagoon Nebula


M 8, the Lagoon nebula is a diffuse nebula revealing an interstellar cloud of hydrogen where stars are born. The cloud is illuminated by a blue supergiant star. There is also an open cluster (NGC 6530).

M 8 is one of the beautiful nebulae that can be seen with a small telescope or a pair of binoculars under a dark sky in the constellation Sagittarius.

Technical details:

Telescope: SkyWatcher Esprit 120 f/7 and field flattener
Mount: SkyWatcher NEQ6 Pro
Camera: Defiltered Canon EOS T3
Filters None
Exposure: 28 x 2 minutes at ISO 1600
Place: L’Étang-du-Nord, Magdalen Islands, Qc
Date: July 2016