My equipment at the observatory
Optical tube: Celestron Edge HD14 (Schmidt-Cassegrain). Diameter of primary mirror: 14 inches. Focal length 3910mm.
Focal reducer: Celestron 0,7x for an effective focal length of 2850mm
Focuser: Optec FastFocus Secondary mirror focuser and FocusLynx hub controler (Details)
Dew shield: Flexi-Heat flexible and heated dew shield by Astrozap (Details)
Equatorial mount: Paramount Mx+ robotized mount controled by Software Bisque “The Sky X” (Details) with 4 – 22 lbs counterweights.
USB hub and DC power distribution: Ultimate Powerbox V2 from Pegasus Astro (Details)
Optical divider: Innovations Foresight ONAG (On-Axis Guider) full-size to enable autoguiding and autofocusing in realtime (Details)
Main imaging camera: ZWO ASI 2600 MM Pro monochrome with 6248 x 4176 pixels sensor and 16 bits ADC with 3.76 microns pixel size. Can be cooled to 35 degrésC below ambient temperature (Details)
Filter wheel: ZWO EFW 7 x 2″ with Baader filters LRGB CMOS-Optimized and Ultra-Narrowband 3.5/4nm CMOS-Optimized
Autoguiding and autofocusing camera: ZWO ASI 1600 MM Pro